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He's the CEO and Cofounder of Wepost.

Benjamin Andersen Bekken is born and raised in Norway’s tech capital, Trondheim. His passion for sports and movie creation was an amazing combo in his journey in entrepreneurship.

Why did you create Wepost?

When i was at high school i loved playing video games and in 2009 a brand new game came out, Minecraft. I loved that game, played it nonstop and made a lot of YouTube-videos about it, showcasing my server, creation and gameplay.

These videoes gave me a small revenue of 3,000 USD and paid me through high school, my mom never gave me any lunch money, i created them myself! This passion for doing it yourself and video creation sparked a joy in me. And all of my paths within my career has lead me on with this passion.

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Wepost - The Easiest Marketing Experience Ever Made - Slide deck - Creative Tech Hunt 657
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I joined the army as a content creator and experienced how it was like having it as a job and i loved it. I continued down that path, but started to realise that there were so many boring tasks creating content. As well as, so many boring stories being told. I was thinking to myself, why am i creating this? Nobody wants to see it and i don’t want to make it. So i joined a agency to see how it was like and there was these repetitive tasks and boring stories being told here as well. I tried to join multiple marketing departments in big companies, to see it from the other side and they had the same problem.

I had the perfect idea, a continuous subscription of engaging video content, so that people could do the fun jobs and still tell stories worth telling. I took this idea and applied to the NTNU School of entrepreneurship. But it got declined.

Depressed and angry, i thought to myself, i don’t need that (sorry for the expression) sh*t of a program. I joined the masters in media, communication and information technology at NTNU and pursued my passion for content creation, but not with the idea.

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That changed when i met Wilhelm. One evening during our orientation week at “bodegaen, studentersamfundet” in Trondheim, me and Wilhelm talked about our passion for entrepreneurship. I told him i applied and was mad i didn’t get in. We agreed to discuss our ideas and come up with a venture.

We met the next week at a tumbledown meeting room at a library on Gløshaugen, NTNU. Here we pitched multiple ideas to eachother and what we liked to do, as well as our earlier experiences. But it was one idea that stood out. I wrote three boxes on a chalkboard and said, subscription on video creation and Wilhelm loved it. He had seen the same problems as me during his time in Australia. And with that:

Wepost was born.

On to why i created Wepost? I believe that a lot of what we see today are boring to see and to create, i believe that there are stories worth telling that we need to shed a light on. We will make peoples stories come to life.

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Now that you know a little more about Benjamin you can take a look at the other amazing superheroes of Wepost.

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